Type with custom text

Advanced Typing Master

With this online typing master, studying English typing may be very clean. Just start with the keyboard displayed and rotate your fingers at the keyboard. The software will spotlight the important thing you want to press and the finger you have to use. This animation based typing show will educate your arms what to press and whilst to press. It is the capacity of the human mind that it may learn to exercise the same issue again and again again. Using a easy clinical approach called this, we designed the typing grasp to analyze rapid, accurate and unfastened typing. This typing course is actually free and a step-by using-step manual for you. Simply practice 1 hour a day to come to be a expert typist. We advocate practising 1 or 2 hours each day, this isn't just a finger sport, the thoughts plays an vital function in keyboard gaining knowledge of. So do no longer practice for four-8 hours at a time however workout a bit day by day. Over time you'll take into account all the keyboard keys and your finger will dance as you study the word on the display, you do now not need to have a look at the keyboard even as typing, simply keep your eyes on the screen and attempt no longer to peer the keyboard in 4-five days. Learn simple typing and be capable of type much less slowly. With greater exercise, your pace will growth daily.

Unicode Special Character - any time any where

☺ = Alt + 1
☻ = Alt + 2
♥ = Alt + 3
♦ = Alt + 4
♣ = Alt + 5
♠ = Alt + 6
• = Alt + 7
◘ = Alt + 8
○ = Alt + 9
◙ = Alt + 10
♂ = Alt + 11
♀ = Alt + 12
♪ = Alt + 13
♫ = Alt + 14
☼ = Alt + 15
► = Alt + 16
◄ = Alt + 17
↕ = Alt + 18
‼ = Alt + 19
¶ = Alt + 20
§ = Alt + 21
▬ = Alt + 22
↨ = Alt + 23
↑ = Alt + 24
↓ = Alt + 25
→ = Alt + 26
← = Alt + 27
∟ = Alt + 28
↔ = Alt + 29
▲ = Alt + 30
▼ = Alt + 31
⌂ = Alt + 127
¢ = Alt + 155
£ = Alt + 156
¥ = Alt + 157
₧ = Alt + 158
ƒ = Alt + 159
¿ = Alt + 168
⌐ = Alt + 169
¬ = Alt + 170
½ = Alt + 171
¼ = Alt + 172
¡ = Alt + 173
« = Alt + 174
» = Alt + 175
α = Alt + 224
ß = Alt + 225
Γ = Alt + 226
π = Alt + 227
Σ = Alt + 228
σ = Alt + 229
µ = Alt + 230
τ = Alt + 231
Φ = Alt + 232
Θ = Alt + 233
Ω = Alt + 234
δ = Alt + 235
∞ = Alt + 236
φ = Alt + 237
ε = Alt + 238
∩ = Alt + 239
≡ = Alt + 240
± = Alt + 241
≥ = Alt + 242
≤ = Alt + 243
⌠ = Alt + 244
⌡ = Alt + 245
÷ = Alt + 246
≈ = Alt + 247
° = Alt + 248
∙ = Alt + 249
· = Alt + 250
√ = Alt + 251
ⁿ = Alt + 252
² = Alt + 253
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